Monday, December 17, 2007

My Weigh-In on the San Joaquin Mess

Well, well well. It came down to the vote, and it was NOT EVEN CLOSE. The Diocese of San Joaquin voted to disaffiliate from the Episcopal Church. I, for one, am proud of them. Bishop John-David Schofield is a warrior of the faith, and he did not flinch. For you people not in the Episcopal Church, there are several Dioceses that are getting ready to move out of the Episcopal Church due to the actions that occurred at our General Convention in Minneapolis in 2003. An openly homosexual bishop was consecrated, and he was in a relationship as well. This did not go well with some of the churches, and people started leaving. Then churches started leaving. Right now, there is a BIG lawsuit in Virginia that is going on to see if 15 Virginia Churches get to keep their property after they leave. There was already a plan in place for them to leave, but the Presiding Bishop told the Bishop of Virginia to renege on that plan because they did not want them to leave with the property. The churches in Virginia date back to before the US Revolutionary War, and the Episcopal Church will lose the bulidings. So, that is the story of that.
San Joaquin's story is different. They see it as an issue of Biblical Authority. They see that the Word of God not being followed, and they see the faith once delivered being abandoned. The other dioceses that are probably going to follow suit are the Dioceses of Ft. Worth(TX), Quincy(IL), Pittsburgh(PA). Anyway, that is something to ponder. I have some of the Anglican sites on my favorites for those that aren't Anglican.



RC said...

Have you read Mohler's post? I have not had time yet, but here is the link.

RC said...

Sorry, I forgot to post the link.

RC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ErikC said...


Yes, I did read that, and sadly, it is widening. Al Mohler's reports are great, and he does a wonderful job of reporting. Thanks for the link.
