Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Geneva Bible: 1560 Version

For my Christmas present, I got the Geneva Bible, the 1560 Version. It is a veritable treasure of Biblical History. It is the bible that the Pilgrims brought over on the Mayflower. I fell in love with it the first time I saw it when I looked at it at the bookstore I work at. The Middle English text, and also the "gloss;" which means there is some outer commentary on the outside of the biblical text. There is also the deuterocanonical books, as well. If you are also a student of this type of stuff, I would recommend this to you as well. I LOVE it.


Hope Everyone had a Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. On my side, my wife and I went to go see the grandkids, and ate too much.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

State of New Jersey votes to abolish the Death Penalty

Sigh... Here's one that will really get a lot of debate. I will be the first to probably get a shot off my bow and say that I am pro-death penalty; probably because I look to the scriptures when I see that when it says "Thou Shalt not Kill," it means the taking of innocent blood. All of these people on Death Row in New Jersey now are having their sentences commuted to Life in Prison. That really does no good to the families of the victims. I would really like to hear the reasoning and/or rationale from the other side of the fence.


Monday, December 17, 2007

My Weigh-In on the San Joaquin Mess

Well, well well. It came down to the vote, and it was NOT EVEN CLOSE. The Diocese of San Joaquin voted to disaffiliate from the Episcopal Church. I, for one, am proud of them. Bishop John-David Schofield is a warrior of the faith, and he did not flinch. For you people not in the Episcopal Church, there are several Dioceses that are getting ready to move out of the Episcopal Church due to the actions that occurred at our General Convention in Minneapolis in 2003. An openly homosexual bishop was consecrated, and he was in a relationship as well. This did not go well with some of the churches, and people started leaving. Then churches started leaving. Right now, there is a BIG lawsuit in Virginia that is going on to see if 15 Virginia Churches get to keep their property after they leave. There was already a plan in place for them to leave, but the Presiding Bishop told the Bishop of Virginia to renege on that plan because they did not want them to leave with the property. The churches in Virginia date back to before the US Revolutionary War, and the Episcopal Church will lose the bulidings. So, that is the story of that.
San Joaquin's story is different. They see it as an issue of Biblical Authority. They see that the Word of God not being followed, and they see the faith once delivered being abandoned. The other dioceses that are probably going to follow suit are the Dioceses of Ft. Worth(TX), Quincy(IL), Pittsburgh(PA). Anyway, that is something to ponder. I have some of the Anglican sites on my favorites for those that aren't Anglican.


Thanks for the Post, Guys!

I want to thank the people who posted the comments recently. It was refreshing to see the comments there on the blog! Anyway, I'm not a Presbyterian, or anything, but my oldest brother is. He is rather concerned about the lapse of the PCUSA being a "Five-Point Calvinistic" Denomination. He also said that there are some people in the denomination, and some people in his church that are "Four-Pointers," as he put it. Is there any truth to this?


Monday, October 15, 2007

A little reminder

If people need a little refresher, this whole mess about Gene Robinson is not about homosexuality; it is about scriptural authority. It is about people who are in direct rebellion to God's Holy Word. They look at something and say, "It doesn't pertain to me, so I won't follow it." This didn't start with Gene Robinson and GC2003. This started with Bishop Pike and his denial of the Trinity. Then we have heretics such as Walter Righter and John Shelby Spong(my opinion). These individuals "married" homosexuals when they KNEW it was illegal. Spong still writes blasphemous books today such as "Saving Christianity from the Fundamentalists." He denies the divinity of Christ, and for the Trinity, for that matter. What a wonderful role model for the Episcopal Church to bring forth, eh?


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Books I've read lately...

Now that the semester has been going full blast, I have a couple of minutes to put a blurb in for my blog. Here are some books that I have read over the past years. Most of them have been in between semesters since I've been in school the past couple of years. Well, here goes:

Bondage of the Will, By Martin Luther
Reflections on the Psalms, By C.S. Lewis
Foxe's Book of Martyrs, By John Foxe
The History of the Church, By Eusebius
Pensees, By Blaise Pascal
Awakening, The Essential Writings of Jonathan Edwards, Edited by Bernard Bangley
A Theological Miscellany, By T.J. McTavish
City of God, By St. Augustine
Mere Christianity, By C.S. Lewis
The Lord of the Rings, By J.R.R. Tolkien
How the Scots Invented the Modern World, By Arthur Herman

That's just a few; I read quite often! I work at a Christian bookstore, so I am inundated by books all of the time! So I am constantly broke! I'll probably post another one pretty soon...


Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Eucharist

While my wife and I were at church today, I was watching people as they went up to the altar to take communion. What I wanted to see was if they were taking it seriously, going through the motions, or some other emotion. I'd have to say that most of the people in our congregation take it VERY seriously. There are a few that just go up there because they feel like they have to because: 1) They feel like they have to please someone else, or 2) They're being told to!

The latter of those should never be the case, because no one should have to feel that they have to come to the Lord's table unwillingly. The former is also a bad reason, because it is an ulterior motive, and therefore not for good intentions.

The Holy Eucharist is Jesus incarnate, and therefore should not be taken on bad or ulterior motives. As the scriptures say, one should examine themselves beforehand. I make sure I pray before each service to make sure that I'm in the right frame of mind to partake.

Just a note to anybody that just happens to read my blog(is there anybody?). Please make sure that you are prepared to take communion beforehand.


Friday, June 8, 2007

Interesting article...but heretical and blasphemous

Hat Tip: Stand Firm

I read an article--no, make it two articles that happened to be in the Diocese of Olympia's Diocesan Newsletter. One was titled Is Jesus the only way to God? Hmm... my answer is, of course He s, and in the Gospel of John, chapter 14, verse 6, it reads, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one can come to the Father except through Me."(KJV) The author of the first article, The Rev. Ann Holmes Redding, PhD., believes that participating in the religions of our "Abrahamic cousins can illumine our blind spots, even as it sharpens our vision."

First of all, there are some stark differences between Islam and Christianity. And that one of the misconceptions is that we serve the same God. First, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the one whom came to save the world from sin is a triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Allah, the "god" of Islam, is not triune. Next, in Christianity, Jesus is divine, and is the Son of God. In Islam, Jesus is just a mere prophet, and is just a man. They deny the deity and divinity of Christ.

The second article is an interview with Dr. Redding. The title? Well, it gets even better: On Being Christian and Muslim. Yes, you read that right. Interesting. It says in the scriptures that one cannot serve God and mammon. Choose today whom you will serve. (Matthew 6:24, NKJV) She serves as a priest in the Episcopal Church, and THEN turns around and goes to the mosque and worships there!!!!! By doing that, she is DESECRATING the Lord's table. I know enough Sacramental Theology to be dangerous, and that is blasphemous, and downright wrong. She should renounce her orders; by doing this, she is showing that she is not a christian. One cannot serve two masters; allah and God are not the same God.


Friday, June 1, 2007

What version of the Bible?

A VERY interesting thread on Titus 1:9 about versions of the Bible is on-going, and needless to say, it is very interesting and refreshing. I would like comment a bit on what versions I have and what I use them for:

KJV(King James Version): The most authoritative; I use this version for my deep studies.

NKJV(New King James Version): I use this if I am just reading just to read the scriptures. The fluidity of the scriptures in this version are AMAZING.

NIV(New International Version): This version I NEVER use. It is just too choppy, and it renders the verses that one goes to the most(John 3:16, Romans 8:37) either unreadable or indistinguishable to what a person remembers the scriptures were.

NRSV(New Revised Standard Version): This version is okay. Since I go to a Catholic university and I am a Theology major, the professors frown on the KJV. I bring my NRSV w/ the apocrypha.

NJB(New Jerusalem Bible): The translation I don't really like, but there is one thing I do like about it; the footnotes. They give Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, and other words, as well as other texts. I will probably go back to it for that reason to see what it says about certain verses.

NAB(New American Bible): The translation is okay, but not like the NRSV or NKJV.

Anyway, I wanted to give an overview of what I have. I would like to get my hands on an RSV(Revised Standard Version). I have heard good things about that translation.


It's Hurricane Season!

My wife and I often wonder about Florida(and this is just speculation). Is it God punishing them for their sin and wretchedness? It seems that every hurricane season not a year goes by that a hurricane hits Florida. My wife thinks this more than me; I think that it is more of the Ecclesiates "chance happens to the good and the bad..." etc... Just a thought...


Saturday, May 12, 2007

On to the MEAT!

I hear Susan Russell of "Integrity" fame mention that there is more to the Liberal side of the coin than Social Justice. Well, Ms. Russell, that's mighty fine, but how come THAT IS ALL WE HEAR??? How come we do not hear of Christ's redeeming blood? How come we do not hear that Christ died "once for all?" Instead, we hear from the liberals that "there is more than one way to God..." Rubbish... pure unexpurgated rubbish. We read in scripture that nobody comes to the Father except by the Son. That is VERY clear. No amount of "social justice" will change the reading of scripture. Scripture is VERY CLEAR, unless you're reading Thomas Jefferson's version of the Bible, Ms. Russell. God bless you, Ms. Russell. I will be praying for the scriptures to be clear to you.


A little off topic, but nonetheless IMPORTANT!

My wife Wanda showed me where my former employer Walgreens started giving medical benefits to partners of homosexuals. This hit us very hard, because we never thought that they would stoop so low as to offer benefits for "couples" that don't deserve it.

We are going to start to BOYCOTT Walgreens, and my wife has already started looking for another place of employment, so if you read this BOYCOTT WALGREENS!!!!! Bring your prescriptions elsewhere!


Sunday, May 6, 2007

This "Fr. MacGreevey" nonsense...

You know, I really thought I had heard it all when Gene Robinson had been consecrated at the Bishop of New Hampshire. But no, then we get a female Presiding Bishop who's not even a Christian. Now, we have the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Remember the former New Jersey Governor that got "outed" as a homosexual? Well, now he is in the discernment process as an Episcopal priest!!!! Doesn't this just get all. Next thing that you'll see on an application for the seminaries is that they'll ask you if you're a homosexual. And if you answer no, you won't get in. It also seems as if the "coming out" process for gays is naturally followed by the discernment process into the Episcopal priesthood!!! Isn't that just rich!!! Gotta love it... Nowhere else but the Diocese of Newark...


Saturday, April 21, 2007

Women's Ordination plus other stuff

This issue has been a tinder box since before the "Philadelphia 13" issue. When I was young and ignorant, I believed that women had the right to be ordained as priests. That was around 1984, or so. I had that opinion until around 2001. What got mind to change was to find biblical evidence that God supported women being ordained as either bishops or priests. I could not find any. Since I am a theology student, and consider myself an armchair theologian, my opinion of the women's ordination took a 180 degree turn. Lately, especially on titusonenine, there has been some heated discussion on the issue of women's ordination. The link is below:

In this article, one person in particular also states that they are pro-choice as well. They claim to be an orthodox anglican, and be pro-WO, and pro-choice. In my opinion, you cannot have either. I was so elated when the Supreme Court upheld the Partial Birth Abortion Ban. It's only a start, but I'll take it. I have also seen bumperstickers that have said "Prayerfully Pro-Choice." Forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they do.... Either that, or they know EXACTLY what they're doing....


Tuesday, April 3, 2007

A minister in England says Jesus didn't die for our sins...

Hmmm... I must not be reading the same Holy Bible that Jeffrey John is reading, because Jesus died "once, for all." Yes, you saw the name right. John, who has a civil "partnership" with another male in England. Rowan Williams asked him to step down from being the Bishop of Reading because he was not a celibate homosexual. To his credit, John did so to preserve the communion. Anyway, John should not even be an ordained minister. A bishop or minister should be a man of one WIFE, not husband. He's been listening to those liberals at Oxford too long. His brain will turn to mush before too long...


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Elton John desecrates a church in NYC

Well, if it isn't enough that he's an open homosexual, he has his 60th birthday bash in St. John the Divine in NYC! In front of the altar, no less! Using the chalices for champagne??? That is desecrating the chalices, and what they are used for. This is nothing less that a statement from him about organized religion. He just cannot stand that homosexuality is a sin, and is unable to face his own sin in his life. He is in REBELLION against God, and until he repents and turns from his sinful ways, well, you do the math...

Also, as my friend and compadre Gene Whitehurst told me, what where they THINKING when they ok'd this? Well, it all comes down to the mighty dollar. They needed the money. Since when is money more important than our faith? That is the mantra of 815, or the home office of TEC, or the Episcopal Church, or the Episcopagan Church. In my opinion, they have ceased to be christian. The Presiding Bishop is not a christian, believes in suing parishes. The old adage, "The beatings will continue until morale improves..." takes on new meaning with the Presiding Bishop's office, and the Chancellor, David Booth Beers. Now that I have gone off on my tangent, I shall return.

Elton John should have not even been ALLOWED in the church with all of the anti-christian rhetoric that he has been spouting here lately. Unless he repents and is truly sorry and turns away from his homosexuality, that is the only time he should be allowed near an altar for communion, or for anything, for that matter.


Sunday, March 25, 2007

What type of theologian are you?

Hat Tip to: A Traditional Anglican Blogging

I ran into this quiz that scores a person on their personal theology. They ask you questions(mighty good ones, if you ask me), and they come up with a percentage as to who influences your theology. For example, to my horror and surprise, my theology is 87% Calvinist! To my utter horror and shock! I always thought of myself as Augustinian/Lutheran... Anyway, here's the link:
My wife ended up 100% Anselmic! Enjoy!


Friday, March 23, 2007

Message from the House of Bishops(nyah! nyah! Here's to you, Rowan!)

Well, if we were expecting clarity from the House of Bishops, we got it. Not the type of clarity we wanted or expected, but at least we know where the majority of Bishops are. Kind of reminds me of that scene in Monty Python's The Holy Grail where Arthur goes up to the castle in England that is full of French troops and is cursed at! I will not say the words that are said in the movie, because this is a family blog! ;-) But, I digress! There have been numerous statements from bishops after the fact as to their thoughts to what went on in the meetings down in Navasota. I've been to Camp Allen, and it is a BEAUTIFUL place. I went to several Vocares there. Once as a person searching, and twice as a counselor. A person would have thought that the clean air out that would have given the bishops clarity of thought; apparently not. I have read most of the statements. I feel for the orthodox bishops who tried to fight for what was right(+MacPherson, +Lillibridge, +Steenson, and also the Bishop of Albany, whom I cannot remember his name...). I admire +Western Louisiana greatly, and know that he did his best. I do not know the others, and do not know them, but know that +Steenson is pretty reliable.
+KJS has gotten her way, and has put the noose around the neck of the American church as we know it today. I certainly feel that as we go down the road to schism, Churches will have to meet in homes as they do in China, and lawsuits will continue. That is certainly not how to treat your brothers and sisters. I pray for Pat Dague as he prepares his briefs, that God gives him Godly wisdom. Also, that the legal issues in New York, Connecticut, and California be settled with GOD's justice. Let GOD's will be done. AMEN.


Thursday, March 8, 2007

Woman suing because child was born(Wrongful Birth)

At first, I chuckled. Then I smiled. Then God spoke to me and said, "I will not be mocked; that child is mine, and it was meant to be born." The phrase "God don't make junk" rang true to me when I heard the news story this morning. She is asking for damages for "Wrongful Birth." What a farce. She is also asking for money to help raise the child! The child was meant to be because GOD MADE SURE THE CHILD WAS ALIVE! I just hope that God provides the child with parents that love her unconditionally. I know He will; he always does!!!!



I will give a warning: This is a post that is dripping with sarcasm. Okay, now that I have that out of the way, let me get to the issue that has been eating away at me for weeks. These homosexuals who are parading as clergy say that there is biblical back-up for their "lifestyle." First of all they must be Marcionites, because they must have totally thrown out the Old Testament. Marcion was a Gnostic back in the day who thought that the God of the Old Testament was not the same G0d of the New Testament, therefore, the Old Testament had to go. Also, he thought that only parts of Luke's gospel were appropriate as well. That is the history lesson part of this post. Anyway, it has become increasingly aware to me that since all of the relevant scriptures in Leviticus revolving around homosexuality(Leviticus 18:22, etc.), are not germane to "their type of people." Well, if the New Testament is fair game, I quote Hebrews 13:8, which states, "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and for ever." (KJV) And to the argument that it says Jesus and not God, oh, give me a break.... JESUS IS GOD. He is part of the Trinity. As of late, the Episcopal Church's hierarchy has become so Anti-Trinitarian, it's unbelievable, but that's another post...


Friday, February 23, 2007

This Whole Mess

Well, I've been thinking about this whole mess about the Communique', and it has really been a mess. Yes, they said that TEC has not complied with Windsor and Dromantine. But there is one thing that has REALLY got my wife and I upset. They have elected the Presiding Bishop to the STANDING COMMITTEE of the Primates!!! What WERE they thinking???? She is not even a christian in my book.... She should have been kicked out of the meeting. Instead they give her a promotion? Go and figure... My wife and I are going to stick it out because God is in control, and we figure God has a reason for this, so we will see. So we will be in constant prayer, and I hope the readers will be....


Friday, February 16, 2007

Letter from Global South Primates

Here's an opening salvo from the Global South:

Church of NigeriaURL:
A number of the Global South Primates have not shared in the Holy Eucharist today with their fellow primates. They include Abp. Peter Akinola, Abp John Chew, Abp. Benjamin Nzimbi, Abp Justice Akrofi, Abp. Henry Orombi, Abp. Gregory Venables, and Abp. Emmanuel Kolini. They represent more than 30 million faithful Anglicans. They have released this statement: "We each take the celebration of the Holy Eucharist very seriously. This deliberate action is a poignant reminder of the brokenness of the Anglican Communion. It makes clear that the torn fabric of the Church has been torn further. It is a consequence of the decision taken by our provinces to declare that our relationship with The Episcopal Church is either broken or severely impaired. Scripture teaches that before coming to sit with one another at the Lord's Table we must be reconciled. (Matthew 5:23-26 and 1 Corinthians 11:27-29) We have made repeated calls for repentance by The Episcopal Church and its leadership with no success. We continue to pray for a change of heart. We are unable to come to the Holy Table with the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church because to do so would be a violation of Scriptural teaching and the traditional Anglican understanding, "Ye that do truly and earnestly repent you of your sins, and are in love and charity with your neighbours, and intend to lead a new life, following the commandments of God, and walking from henceforth in his holy ways; Draw near with faith" (Book of Common Prayer) This is a painful decision for us and also for our host and brother, the Most Rev¹d Donald Mtetemela. He understands our painful dilemma and accepts our decision. Pray for the Church." Friday, February 16, 2007 White Sands Hotel, Jangwani Beach, Tanzania

We shall see what happens later on. Let us pray.


Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Meeting In Dar es Salaam

Everybody on both sides of the coin in Anglicanism are waiting with baited breath to see what happens with the meetings today with the Primates and the Bishops meetings. Preliminary word with the Subcommitee meeting is that supposedly TEC has complied with Windsor, Dromantine, and Lambeth 1.10. I read the report, and it is utter rubbish. TEC has done none of the sort. These are supposedly only preliminary reports, but it does not bode well for us orthodox Anglicans in the United States.
Now, Bishop Robert Duncan, Bishop Bruce MacPherson had time today to give presentations to these committees. We will see as to what impact these presentations had on the outcome. Anyway, I cannot help but be a bit pessimistic at this time, but it does not look good at this moment. I just hope and pray that God's will be in the situation.


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Schori: The New Age Bishop

Once again, our Presiding bishop has stuck her foot way down deep in her throat. Here is a quote from an interview in USA Today:

"God became human in order that we may become divine. That's our task."

Tell me what is wrong with this picture. Humans DO NOT BECOME DIVINE. Now there will probably be people coming on saying that she was "misquoted," but how can you not see that last line in an interview like that???? If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck... you get the picture.

Another question: With all of the heresy that she is spouting, WHY IS SHE NOT TRIED FOR HERESY?????????????

Back to the quote: Becoming diving smacks of the New Age movement. They speak of being Gods. We are not on the same level as God. Satan tried that and failed. We are not God and cannot become God. End of argument.


Friday, January 19, 2007

Gene Robinson: The new MLK: NOT!!!!

Here is another one for the books. Gene Robinson, the new Martin Luther King, Jr. There is no comparison.
First of all, King was a visionary; Robinson is an unrepentant sinner.


Monday, January 15, 2007

A Bit Off-Topic, but....

The Saints beat the Eagles, 27-24! Deuce McAllister ran for 143 yards! Now they have the Bears to worry about and play up in the cold weather in Chicago...


Monday, January 8, 2007


"And in this one sense Cranmer was right: the church does have the authority to set aside commandments -- not only the ones made by human authority, but the ones which even though placed in the mouth of God by the Scriptural authors, can be determined to reside only upon human culture and human agendas and human failings. Ultimately all of Scripture comes to us through human agency -- and it is no good idealistically pretending otherwise; to do so is to turn the Scripture itself into an idol. The Scripture is not the Word of God spoken, but the Word of God written -- and in all cases apart from the purported engraving of the original Decalogue, the writing is made by human hands. For Israel in its long wanderings, for the church in its pilgrimage, and for us today, the Scripture is an instrument through which God's will is made known, but an instrument which must be played: and the people of God are the it all or some, as the case may be...."

The above is a quote from the HOB/D list. The thing I find funny is that it says that "...the church does have the authority to set aside commandments--not only the ones made by human authority, but the ones which placed in the mouth of God by the Scriptural authors," I almost find this laughable. This is HERESY; picking and choosing what scriptures fit one's agenda. If indeed Cranmer wrote this, I wholeheartedly disagree. One cannot just "set aside" commandments. In that case, a person could just set aside, "Thou shalt not murder," and go ahead and take a machine gun and blaze a trail of blood through the streets. I do not think that God expects people to take His Word for granted.


The Diocese of Fort Worth Vindicated!

The Panel of Reference has sent their report on the issue of Women's Ordination and Women Clergy to the Diocese of Fort Worth, and the news is VERY good for Bishop Iker! To read the report, here is the link :


Sunday, January 7, 2007

Something that's sticking in my craw...

I'm a lurker on the HOB/D(House of Bishops/Deputies) Listserv, and I cannot help but get ANGRY at the utter idiocy of the people about gay marriage. The majority of the deputies and bishops on the list believe that gays and lesbians should have the right to be married and that there should be a liturgy regarding this. Well, let me tell you. THEY ARE DEAD WRONG. They said that Jesus didn't talk about gays and marriage. Well, let me show you. First of all, let me state that JESUS IS GOD. Plain and simple. I can back this up with scripture.

"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination."
Leviticus 18:22(NKJV)

How much plainer can you get? To go any further and DEMAND that you have the RIGHT to get married is just plain HERESY. Next, homosexuals and lesbians now have minority status where they never should have been given that status. Homosexuality is a CHOICE, not genetic. I would like to see some unbiased scientific evidence regarding it as being genetic. No one will take me up on the offer, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!


Monday, January 1, 2007

Schori: Jesus a "Vehicle to the Divine?"

I must admit that when I read the interview I busted a gut. Every time that Madame President speaks, she puts her foot in her mouth. Here are some quotes that have been noted from the new Presiding Bishop:

"Jesus is a vehicle to the divine,"

"Jesus is an event...."

Let us remember what the Gospel of John says about Jesus:

John 1:1-14(NKJV)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a witness, to bear witness for the Light, that all through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness to that Light. That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

This, first of all labels Jesus AS divine, not as a vehicle of the divine. Jesus is not some event that just "happens." He is GOD! In my opinion, Ms. Schori has a LOT to answer to. Gnostic gospels are not in the canon.
They are not even in the Apocrypha! JESUS IS GOD: PLAIN AND SIMPLE.
