Thursday, March 19, 2009

Stuff Like This Gets In My Craw

I just learned about something that really made me mad. A priest that I respected dearly got let go from his parish recently. The reason was that the head parish priest wanted to give the REST of the staff a raise and NOT the assistant priest they FIRED. This was a MAN OF GOD. Someone who knew the Word, and someone who knew how to preach. He is now preaching positions where other parish priests are taking vacations and the such. Did they give him any type of severance? I don't know. In any sense, this is JUST NOT RIGHT. He has a wife to think of as well. This church will not last long if they keep on doing stuff like this. We once attended this parish, and at one time they did do things in an ethical way. They had better change their ways, or they will begin to lose members. Kyrie Eleison...
