Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Elton John desecrates a church in NYC

Well, if it isn't enough that he's an open homosexual, he has his 60th birthday bash in St. John the Divine in NYC! In front of the altar, no less! Using the chalices for champagne??? That is desecrating the chalices, and what they are used for. This is nothing less that a statement from him about organized religion. He just cannot stand that homosexuality is a sin, and is unable to face his own sin in his life. He is in REBELLION against God, and until he repents and turns from his sinful ways, well, you do the math...

Also, as my friend and compadre Gene Whitehurst told me, what where they THINKING when they ok'd this? Well, it all comes down to the mighty dollar. They needed the money. Since when is money more important than our faith? That is the mantra of 815, or the home office of TEC, or the Episcopal Church, or the Episcopagan Church. In my opinion, they have ceased to be christian. The Presiding Bishop is not a christian, believes in suing parishes. The old adage, "The beatings will continue until morale improves..." takes on new meaning with the Presiding Bishop's office, and the Chancellor, David Booth Beers. Now that I have gone off on my tangent, I shall return.

Elton John should have not even been ALLOWED in the church with all of the anti-christian rhetoric that he has been spouting here lately. Unless he repents and is truly sorry and turns away from his homosexuality, that is the only time he should be allowed near an altar for communion, or for anything, for that matter.


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