Saturday, March 15, 2008

Deposing of +Cox and +Schofield

While the bishops were at Camp Allen, every bishops favorite place to relax(hey, I did Vocares there when I was in college!), they decided to try and get the votes necessary to defrock both Schofield and Cox. The reasons for bishops Cox and Schofield are totally different. They are wanting to defrock Bishop Cox because he supposedly did confirmations without the OK of the bishop of the diocese that he was in. We all know the Schofield mess. I won't try to explain because it just gets too involved. The Living Church reported that they didn't get the votes necessary; but David Booth Beers, the presiding bishop's enforcer, did some creative accounting, and said, "Oh, my gosh, we DO have enough votes!" So, on we go. This is just another nail. I really have no respect for Schori, I'll be honest. Until she repents and gets saved, then we'll talk.


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