Sunday, May 6, 2007

This "Fr. MacGreevey" nonsense...

You know, I really thought I had heard it all when Gene Robinson had been consecrated at the Bishop of New Hampshire. But no, then we get a female Presiding Bishop who's not even a Christian. Now, we have the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Remember the former New Jersey Governor that got "outed" as a homosexual? Well, now he is in the discernment process as an Episcopal priest!!!! Doesn't this just get all. Next thing that you'll see on an application for the seminaries is that they'll ask you if you're a homosexual. And if you answer no, you won't get in. It also seems as if the "coming out" process for gays is naturally followed by the discernment process into the Episcopal priesthood!!! Isn't that just rich!!! Gotta love it... Nowhere else but the Diocese of Newark...


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