Saturday, May 12, 2007

On to the MEAT!

I hear Susan Russell of "Integrity" fame mention that there is more to the Liberal side of the coin than Social Justice. Well, Ms. Russell, that's mighty fine, but how come THAT IS ALL WE HEAR??? How come we do not hear of Christ's redeeming blood? How come we do not hear that Christ died "once for all?" Instead, we hear from the liberals that "there is more than one way to God..." Rubbish... pure unexpurgated rubbish. We read in scripture that nobody comes to the Father except by the Son. That is VERY clear. No amount of "social justice" will change the reading of scripture. Scripture is VERY CLEAR, unless you're reading Thomas Jefferson's version of the Bible, Ms. Russell. God bless you, Ms. Russell. I will be praying for the scriptures to be clear to you.


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