Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Haven't Been Around Lately...

Sorry about not being around lately... School has had me working non-stop. I had to do a History Research Paper on St. Augustine's Anti-Manichean Writings. He wrote extensively on this heresy, since he was once a Manichean. I will not go into what Manichaeism is, because that will take a long time to explain. If you want to know, you can Google it!!! :-) Anyway, I have had numerous papers to write, and also had to study for finals. Now that the semester is over, I can now breathe! I don't go back until 1/20/2009. I am coming down to the final part of my "stay" at University of St. Thomas, and I am a better person because of it. God has seen fit to let me pursue a degree in Theology while also letting me enjoy my classes in history. I am grateful to God for His grace and loving-kindness, for which I am ever grateful.
