Saturday, April 19, 2008

From the Houston Chronicle

This is from today's Religion Section of the Houston Chronicle:

This is about our former congregation that is splitting and now going to worship at a local junior high school. All of the words you hear about Wimberly saying that he worked with the parish and property are half-truths. He was just tooting the party line. You can bet that he was in constant contact with the Presiding Bishop. Fortunately, our clergy were prepared for just such a contingency. We have church offices, a place to worship, and everything is fine. We have oversight, as well. Our new church is St. Timothy's Anglican Church. We have a basic website up, and it's at:

It gives directions to where we meet and the time we meet. Thanks be to God. Hope to meet you there!


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Well, they went ahead and did it...

The Episcopal Church went ahead and did it. They went too far. The congregation that my wife and I are a part of, Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, has been in a discernment process for the past 40 days. Well, the other shoe has dropped. Because of the Episcopal Church's lack of adherence to the Authority of Scripture, our church has decided to split from the Episcopal Church. We tried. Our rector and our vestry went to the bishop with a plan. He told us that he would get back to us, but he just stalled. The Canon of the Ordinary told us that they wanted us to stay, but given the circumstances, our rector said that he could not. So, we will only be in our building for the next two weeks. Also, the bishop wanted our rector and assistant rector to sign an oath of allegiance to the Episcopal Church; not to God, but to the institutional church. To the United States Episcopal Church. Our rector could not do that. An oath of allegiance of all things! This smells of Hitler! The only allegiance I owe is to God! The triune God! We will have our vote in those weeks to see who stays, and to see who goes. We have contingency plans in force, so we are pretty much organized. As with everything, there will be something that will be forgotten. Another good thing is we have oversight for the next 90 days until we make a decision with whom to go with. I will say this; I have never felt as free to be from under such a pagan organization as the Episcopal Church, USA. "By their fruits, will you know them..." Lawsuits... Virginia, California, Connecticut, New York... You do not sue fellow christians... that is how I know that the presiding bishop is not a christian. She is suing for all the money she can get. I have no respect for someone who has no compunction to do what she is doing. Hasta la vista, Episcopal Church!


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Virginia Church Decision

It was time for the judge in the Episcopal Church v. The Virginia Churches to render a decision. The judge wrote an 88-page decision in favor of the Virginia churches citing that there was a division between the Episcopal Church and the said Virginia churches. The Episcopal Church tried to say that there was not a division, but the counsel for the churches brought evidence saying that division was caused when Gene Robinson was consecrated as Bishop of New Hampshire. There were eleven churches that were part of this suit, and seeing that there were eleven churches shows that this did cause division. Though this court case went the way of the Virginia churches, the legal wrangling is far from over. There will be appeals. Please keep the Virginia churches in your prayers, as well as their counsel.
