Friday, February 23, 2007

This Whole Mess

Well, I've been thinking about this whole mess about the Communique', and it has really been a mess. Yes, they said that TEC has not complied with Windsor and Dromantine. But there is one thing that has REALLY got my wife and I upset. They have elected the Presiding Bishop to the STANDING COMMITTEE of the Primates!!! What WERE they thinking???? She is not even a christian in my book.... She should have been kicked out of the meeting. Instead they give her a promotion? Go and figure... My wife and I are going to stick it out because God is in control, and we figure God has a reason for this, so we will see. So we will be in constant prayer, and I hope the readers will be....


Friday, February 16, 2007

Letter from Global South Primates

Here's an opening salvo from the Global South:

Church of NigeriaURL:
A number of the Global South Primates have not shared in the Holy Eucharist today with their fellow primates. They include Abp. Peter Akinola, Abp John Chew, Abp. Benjamin Nzimbi, Abp Justice Akrofi, Abp. Henry Orombi, Abp. Gregory Venables, and Abp. Emmanuel Kolini. They represent more than 30 million faithful Anglicans. They have released this statement: "We each take the celebration of the Holy Eucharist very seriously. This deliberate action is a poignant reminder of the brokenness of the Anglican Communion. It makes clear that the torn fabric of the Church has been torn further. It is a consequence of the decision taken by our provinces to declare that our relationship with The Episcopal Church is either broken or severely impaired. Scripture teaches that before coming to sit with one another at the Lord's Table we must be reconciled. (Matthew 5:23-26 and 1 Corinthians 11:27-29) We have made repeated calls for repentance by The Episcopal Church and its leadership with no success. We continue to pray for a change of heart. We are unable to come to the Holy Table with the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church because to do so would be a violation of Scriptural teaching and the traditional Anglican understanding, "Ye that do truly and earnestly repent you of your sins, and are in love and charity with your neighbours, and intend to lead a new life, following the commandments of God, and walking from henceforth in his holy ways; Draw near with faith" (Book of Common Prayer) This is a painful decision for us and also for our host and brother, the Most Rev¹d Donald Mtetemela. He understands our painful dilemma and accepts our decision. Pray for the Church." Friday, February 16, 2007 White Sands Hotel, Jangwani Beach, Tanzania

We shall see what happens later on. Let us pray.


Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Meeting In Dar es Salaam

Everybody on both sides of the coin in Anglicanism are waiting with baited breath to see what happens with the meetings today with the Primates and the Bishops meetings. Preliminary word with the Subcommitee meeting is that supposedly TEC has complied with Windsor, Dromantine, and Lambeth 1.10. I read the report, and it is utter rubbish. TEC has done none of the sort. These are supposedly only preliminary reports, but it does not bode well for us orthodox Anglicans in the United States.
Now, Bishop Robert Duncan, Bishop Bruce MacPherson had time today to give presentations to these committees. We will see as to what impact these presentations had on the outcome. Anyway, I cannot help but be a bit pessimistic at this time, but it does not look good at this moment. I just hope and pray that God's will be in the situation.


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Schori: The New Age Bishop

Once again, our Presiding bishop has stuck her foot way down deep in her throat. Here is a quote from an interview in USA Today:

"God became human in order that we may become divine. That's our task."

Tell me what is wrong with this picture. Humans DO NOT BECOME DIVINE. Now there will probably be people coming on saying that she was "misquoted," but how can you not see that last line in an interview like that???? If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck... you get the picture.

Another question: With all of the heresy that she is spouting, WHY IS SHE NOT TRIED FOR HERESY?????????????

Back to the quote: Becoming diving smacks of the New Age movement. They speak of being Gods. We are not on the same level as God. Satan tried that and failed. We are not God and cannot become God. End of argument.
